Architectural Record House Award, 1985
One of six Premiated Entries, 1987 House Beautiful's Best Small House Competition
Selected to be one of 31 architects in Young Architects Issue of Progressive Architecture Magazine, June, 1987
1988 CSA/AIA Unbuilt Projects Award
Selected by the US IA to be one of 4 architects in "Design USA" exhibition to the U.S.S.R., 1989-90
Selected by New England Monthly as one of 6 architects to design a "Fantasy House"
Winner of one of Metropolitan Home's 1990 "Met Home of the Year" awards
Winner of one of Metropolitan Home's 1991 "Met Home of the Year" awards
Selected as one of Fine Homebuilding's "Houses of 1991" (cover project)
Selected by Better Homes and Gardens to design a "Fantasy Bath", October 1991
Selected to be a member of the "Practical Homeowner Institute"
Selected for one of the 37 best "Met Home of the Year" awards - "The Best of Winners", 1991
Selected to be the designer of the Frigidaire 1993 NAHB Home Show Kitchen
Selected for "Innovative Houses and Housing" Exhibition at the 1993 Yale Conference on Housing
Selected by "Family Fun Magazine" to be one of 8 architects nationally to design a "play structure"
Selected for one of three CT/AIA Residential Awards for 1993, unawarded
- First Honors 1994 Westchester AIA Community Development Awards
- New York State 1994 Certificate of Merit in Architectural Design
- One of 19 chosen to be Cornell University "Alumni-in-Residence" for 1994
Selected for "Design Excellence in Affordable Family Housing" exhibit sponsored by the NEA and AIA
Selected to design “Pet Grooming Center” for Iams Pet Foods and Better Homes and Gardens
Merit award, CT/AIA 1995 Design Awards
Architectural Record Record House Kitchen Award, 1996
Selected to have a HOME Magazine “Best Little House” for 1997
Selected for “Architect’s Best Small House” Better Homes and Gardens 1997
Appointed to the Board of Trustees, Academy of Architecture, Arts and Sciences, Los Angeles, CA
Madison Chamber of Commerce 1998 “Small Service Business of the Year”
Merit Award, CT/AIA 1998 Design Awards
Appointed to Editorial Advisory Board, Residential Architect Magazine
Silver Award, 1999 Northeast Region Award, American Society of Business Press Editors
Silver Award, 1999 National Award, American Society of Business Press Editors for Regular Column/Residential Architect
Winner Madison Chamber of Commerce Small Service Business of the Year 1999
Winning Critic, Court of Architecture, ROSWELL competition
Winning Entry Runtal Design 2000 Contest
Two Projects selected, Alliance for Architecture’s 2001 Young Architects Competition – work included in exhibit at New Haven Colony Historical Society
Winner of Habitat for Humanity, New Haven’s 2003 Master Builder Award.
2004 - Co-Founder, Congress of Residential Architecture

Home Builders Association of Connecticut's 2005 HOBI Award for Best Custom Home 3500 - 4500 sq. ft.
Included in Fine Homebuilding's "Houses of 2008" issue
Featured architect in Connecticut Home and Garden magazine’s 2008 “Award Winning Architects” issue
Selected for 2009 Fine Homebuilding Kitchen and Bath issue
- Special Service Award, Society for American Registered Architects 2010
- 2011 Recipient of one of 4 Lifetime Achievement awards for Habitat for Humanity New Haven’s 25th Anniversary
- Winner 2 First Honors and 5 Honorable Mentions in 2013 AIA Westchester Hudson Valley’s ACE Beautiful Dream Awards
2014 CT AIA Commercial Project Awards, 1st Place, for Projects with 50 or More Employees
AHOME 2014 Annual Honoree
2015 IFRAA International Award in “Sacred Landscape”
2015 AIA CT Peoples’ Choice Award Place that Creates a Sense of Peacefulness, Incarnation Chapel, Ivoryton CT
Inclusion in 2016 Special Issue of ArchNewsNow piece about the death of Zaha Hadid
2016 Recipient of one of 5 Lifetime Achievement awards for Habitat for Humanity New Haven’s 30th Anniversary
Adding Additions On To a House
Architectural Record
American Homestyle Magazine
Beach Homes
Better Homes & Gardens
Boston Globe
Canadian Wood Council Wood Handbook
Catalog of Contemporary Design
Civic Architecture
Come Home Magazine
Connecticut Magazine
Connecticut Cottages and Gardens
Connecticut House and Garden
Country Houses
Custom Home
Design Times
Design Bureau
Fine Homebuilding
Gannett Newspapers
Good Neighbors: Affordable Family Housing
The Home How-To Source Book
Home Magazine
Home Magazine's Kitchen & Baths
Home Remodeling
House Beautiful
House Beautiful's "Home Building"
House Beautiful's "Home Remodeling and Decorating"
Inside Fairfield County
Interior Design
Marvin Before/After Book
Metropolitan Home
Modern Style
Money Magazine
New England Monthly
New Haven Register
New Haven Magazine
Northeast Magazine
NY Times Home Section
NY Times Real Estate Section
NY Times Sunday Magazine
Northeast Magazine
Old House Interiors
Remodeling Magazine
Soundings Magazine
The Old House Catalogue
The Old House Journal Catalogue
This Old House Magazine
This Old House Bath Book
Traditional Building
Practical Homeowner
Progressive Architecture
Residential Architect
Bathrooms: Planning & Remodeling, Sunset Publishing
Washington Post: Real Estate
Wood Design and Building Magazine
Westport Magazine
Entire Text:
Adding On, McGraw/Hill, 1983
The Small House, McGraw/Hill, 1986
Common Walls, Private Homes (with John Nolon), McGraw/Hill, 1990
Small Houses for the Next Century, McGraw/Hill, 1995
Expressive Details, McGraw/Hill, 1996
The House You Build, Taunton Press, 2004-[Paperback version = House on a Budget, Taunton Press 2008]
Staying Put, Taunton Press, 2011
A Home Called New England, Pequot Globe, Fall 2017
The Fountain Headache, Andy Pressman, Editor
Professional Practice 101, Andy Pressman, Editor Healthcare Design
The Architect’s Portable DESIGN Handbook, Andy Pressman, Editor
Celebrating The American Home, Taunton Press
Room One Thousand Souvenir Nostalgia, University of California, Berkeley
60 WORDS, CORA/BSA “Instant Book”
Architecture Critic, New Haven Register
Oped/Feature Contributor Hartford Courant
Contributing writing in Architecture and Design for New Haven Living/Hartford Living Contributing Writer in Residential Design, River & Shore Magazine
Contributing Editor Common Edge website

Editor, Saved By Design, blog for New Haven Register
Articles For:
Architectural Record

Art and Planning Newsletter

Connecticut Cottages and Gardens

Cornell College of Architecture

Journal of Light Construction

Meredith Special Interest Publications

Wood Design and Building Magazine

Contributing Writer, Houseplans, LLC

Contributor for Room One Thousand, University of CA, Berkeley College of Environmental Design

Contributor to Between the Walls website

Contributing Writer, Architecture Boston

Contributing Writer in Residential Design for New Haven Magazine

Contributing Writer, Houzz.com

Contributing Writer, Design Bureau Magazine

Continuing contributor, “By Design” This Old House Magazine April 2004-June 2005

Contributing Columnist on Architecture, Meredith Special Interest Publications (through June 2005)

Columnist on Architecture, Realtor Online Magazine (through June 2008)

Contributing Editor in Home Design for Money Magazine (through June 2009)
Peer Reviews:
The McGraw-Hil Companies
Taunton Press
AIA Press
Adjunct professor in design, first year, at Roger Williams College, 1986-87
Adjunct professor in design theory, “Architecture and Writing”, at Roger Williams College, fall 1988
Visiting critic in design, senior studio, at Yale University, fall 1989
Senior Thesis Advisor, Yale University, spring 1990
Roger Williams College, all levels undergraduate studios, 1987 – present
Yale University, 1988 – present
undergraduate design studios, sophomore, junior, senior
undergraduate senior thesis review
1st and 2nd year graduate design studios
Master of Environmental Design Program thesis review
Materials Course
Rhode Island School of Design, 1990 2nd year studio
Cornell University College of Architecture, Art and Planning, 1994 3rd year studio
University of New Haven Interiors Department
Connecticut College, Architectural Design2, 2011, 2013
1988 Arkansas AIA Honor Awards
1989, 1991 Greenwich Public Space Awards
1990 Decorating and Remodeling’s Kitchen and
1991 Tuxis Square Competition, Madison, CT 
1991 CrookedBrook Woodwork’s Furniture Competition
1993 Westchester AIA Affordable House Competition
1993 Washington D.C. AIA Residential Awards
1995 AIA/Rhode Island Honor Awards
1996 Westchester AIA Merit Awards
1996 National Association of Real Estate Editors Journalism Awards
1997 The Academy of Architecture Art & Sciences
BIGFOOT competition
1999 Builder’s Choice Awards
1999 The Academy of Architecture Art & Sciences
ROSWELL Housing Competition
2000-2005 Lion’s Peace Poster Contest
2003 ArtOutstanding Jury for New Haven Arts Council
2004 The Best 50 American Homes, Taunton Press
2004 Western Colorado AIA Jury
2005 Lead Critic Newark/Suburban AIA Jury
2006 Staten Island AIA Architecture Awards
2007 AIA Minnesota Residential Design Awards
2007 North Carolina’s 2008 Home of the Month selection panel
2008 Lead Jurist, Cinncinati CORAwards Design
2014 Alice Washburn Awards AIA Connecticut
2014, 2015, 2016 New Haven Preservation Trust Design Awards
1986 New York Land Institute Convention
1987 New York Home Show
1988 Arkansas AIA Convention
1989 Housing Action Council Affordable Housing Conference
1992 Westchester AIA Affordable Housing Symposium
1995 Rockfall Foundation
1995 Grassroots Coalition
1995, 1997, 1998, 2003, 2005 Build Boston
1996 Boston Society of Architects
1996 Portland Cement Association
1996 Maine AIA Annual Meeting
1997 Boston Society of Architects Residential Architecture Roundtable
1997 Staten Island AIA
1998 Canadian Portland Cement Association Annual Meeting
1998 Planetree Annual Meeting
2000 Alliance for Architecture
2000 Graduate Club, New Haven
2000 Mexican Association of Interior Designers
2001 The Charles W. Moore Center for the Study of Place Annual Symposium, “Dwellings and Outgoings… the Prospects for Community”
2002 The Architects League of Northern New Jersey 1st Annual Davis Fund Speaker.
2002 Connecticut River Estuary Association
2003 NAHB National Green Building Conference and Awards
2003 Alaska Building Science Network Annual Seminar Featured Speaker
2004-2010 Various CORA Presentations at Industry Conventions Nationally
2004 CTAIA Preservation Series Seminar
2004 Virginia Society AIA, Architecture Exchange East
2004 Reinvention 2004, Los Angeles, CA
2005 AIA Grassroots and Leadership Conference, Washington DC
2005 Middle Tennessee AIA
2005 Meredith Editors Gathering
2005 LEAP Annual Fundraiser
2005 AIA San Fernando Valley
2005 San Antonio AIA
2005 Newark/Suburban AIA
2005 Lowes Trends Group
2005, 2006 AIA National Convention
2006 Staten Island AIA
2006 AIA Northeast Illinois
2006 Design Smart Seminar series, Furniture and Furnishings Show, Philadelphia
2006 Reinvention Pro Bono Panel Leader, San Diego
2007 AIA Minnesota
2007 AIA Custom Residential Architects Network’s national symposium
2007 Triennial Woodstock Festival of Liturgy, Art & Music, Woodstock, VT
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 BSA’s Residential Design and Construction, Boston
2008 Lowes Marketing Group
2008 Lowes Vendor Summit
2008 Costa Farms National Sales Meeting, Miami, FL
2009 CRAN Workshop, AIA National Convention
2009 AIA San Mateo
2009 Erosion Revelation, ArtSpace, New Haven
2009 Fairhaven Woodworks
2009 Guilford Art Center
2010 Land Use Leadership Alliance training program, Pace Law School, White Plains, NY
2010 Presenter of Resolution to AIA National Convention, Miami, FL
2010 National Publicity Summit, New York, NY
2011 AIA National Convention, New Orleans
2011 New Haven Preservation Trust, New Haven, CT
2011 Centerbrook Architects Lecture Series, Essex, CT
2011 Build Boston, Boston, MA
2011 Reinvention, Phoenix, AZ
2012 Lasting Home Expo, Seattle, WA
2012 33rd Annual Lane County Home & Garden Show, Eugene, OR
2012 Royal Building Products Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL
2012 TOD Forum for the Partnership for Strong Communities, Hartford, CT
2012 "Lunch with a View" series at the Edgartown Yacht Club, Martha’s Vineyard, MA
2012 Yestermorrow Design/Build School, Waitsfield, VT
2013 New Haven Preservation Trust Talk – Branford, CT
2014 Community Design Institute – Planning Affordable Housing as a Community Asset and Designing for Consensus Building – Pound Ridge, NY
2015 Yestermorrow Prickly Mountain Reunion
2015 NARI Meeting presenter, “Design and Design Materials” Columbus, OH
2015 HomeAdvisor’s Insights Forum: Aging-in-Place New York, NY
2016 ABX 2016 “Architecture Is Becoming A Lifestyle Choice” Boston, MA
Ongoing: Various libraries and schools throughout Shoreline Connecticut and Westchester County
1988, 1989, 1992-2008 Harvard Graduate School of Design, summer session
1989, 1990, 1993, 2006, 2012 The Yestermorrow School
1989 University of Arkansas
1994 Cornell University College of Architecture, Art and Planning
1995 Trinity College
1997 Pratt Institute
1999 University of New Mexico Architecture School
2000 ANAHUAC University, Mexico City, Mexico
2000 Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Monterrey, Mexico
2008 Yale Exploration Summer Program
2009 Yale University School of Art & Architecture
2009 University of Connecticut School of Law
2010 Yale University Land Use Class, School of Forestry
2013 University of California Berkeley, College of Environmental Design
2016 Harvard University, Graduate School of Design The American House: Modern to Traditional, Traditional to Modern
Co-host of 14-part CNN/Money website series “Home Work” 2010
Co-host for WNPR’s “The Real Life Survival Guide”, 2011-2012
Co-host for WPKN’s “HomeWork”, 2012
Host of “Home Page” live broadcast WPKN 2014-present
“Design Czar” New Haven Independent Radio spots WNHH 103.5FM 2015-present
Participant PBS Series “Aging in Place” 2016
Host for PBS series pitch: “Dreaming of Home” by Ames Productions 2017
Other media participation:
Featured writer, host, presenter DesignPortfolio by Crane website
Featured correspondent “The Neighbors Are Talking” series, WELI radio
Contributor, Design for the Real World two segments, "Studio 360" radio show
Architectural correspondent “Homeportfolio” on the web
Featured architect/presenter ThinkOutsideNow website
- "Open Air New England" on Connecticut Public Radio, guest
Financial News Network "Real Estate Magazine" featured architectural commentator.
Selected as host for PBS pilot entitled "The Great American Home Tour", sponsored by the Seattle PBS station
ABC's "Home Show", work profiled
“Hometime Radio”, guest
Participant, 1998 Connecticut Author’s Day
HGTV – “Before & After” Program
Invited participant in dwell magazine’s “Bridge the Gap Between Mass and Class” on-line discussion group
Participant, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th Annual Habitat For Humanity Men’s Auxiliary Bake Sale. “Most Creative” at 2002 Sale.
Exhibitor “Where Earth Meets Sky” exhibition at the Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven.
Invited artist”Bitsie’s Bash” centerpiece for the Alliance for Architecture/Arts Council for Greater New Haven.
Guest on CNN "Open House" television show.
Guest on "On The House" radio show.
Guest on "The Money Pit" radio show.
Guest on "Ask Andrea" radio show.
Guest on “Business Week Weekend” television show.
Architecture On A Roll, contributor to Real pARTy 06
Guest on Weekend Marketplace, NPR
Narrator – Prokofiev’s “Peter and the Wolf”, Wallingford Symphony Orchestra
Architectural Consultant Crane Performance Siding
Featured presenter Fine Homebuilding website
Guest on House Smarts TV
Guest on WBAP Radio’s “The Great Home Design Show”
Auctioneer, 2007 and 2008 Madison Sculpture Mile Auction
Birdhouse contributor, Livingston Ripley Waterfowl Sanctuary 2008 Fundraiser
Participant, 2008, 2011 “Men Who Cook” benefit for the Women & Family Life Center
“Erosion Revelation” exhibit at ArtSpace, 2009
Contribution of bird house design for AHOME’s House Party Benefit, 2009
Invited participant, National Publicity Summit, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
Guest on “On Point” radio show/NPR
Contributor of Art Piece for Long Wharf Gala 2010
Guest on the Heritage Network’s “Burning Down the House” radio show, 2010, 2011
Guest on WPKN Radio’s Binnie Klein show, 2010, 2011, 2012,2013,2014
Guest on AT HOME Radio, 2011
Guest on KNLW’s “About the House,” Lawrence, Kansas, 2011
Bird house Contributor, Creative Arts Workshop, New Haven, CT
Guest at “Paint Nite” at the Madison Surf Club sponsored by VISTA Arts Center
Oy of the week on Unorthodox Tables Podcast 2016
Estimated totals as of 09/01/2014: Approx. 785 Total Commissions; 600 +/- Completed/Built; 50 in Process/Building 70% completed/built
- Commercial or Institutional Projects: 40 commissioned, 25 built, 4 in process, budgets from $5K to $3.5M including:
Headquarters Episcopal Diocese of CT, Meriden, CT
Clarity Commons, Madison, CT
Incarnation Camp Administrative Building, Chapel, Welcome Center, Bushy Hill Nature Center, Activity Center and misc. projects, Ivoryton, CT
Addition to the Lutheran Church of Madison, CT
Refuge Shelter Children’s Village, Valhalla, NY
Hudson Healthcare Master Plan/New Construction and Renovation, Peekskill, NY
Beacon Satellite Health Clinic, Beacon, NY
Conference Room, CEO Office, Decision Center International, NYC
Addition to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church Rectory, Scarborough, NY
Addition to the Church of St. Joseph of Arimethea, Elmsford, NY
Columbarium for the Cathedral Church of the Advent, Birmingham, AL
Addition to dining hall, renovation of medical facility, misc. projects, Camp Hazen, Chester, CT
- Houses: 120 commissioned, 80 built, 18 in process/building
Custom Home Designs in Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Minnesota, Michigan, North Carolina, New Jersey, California, Nebraska, Indiana, Louisiana, Colorado, and Massachusetts.
Design architect for three homes for suburban Tokyo, Japan.
Sizes from 1,100 to 11,000 square feet. Budgets from $75K to $6.5M
- Additions/Renovations: 480 commissioned, 350 built, 20 in process/building
Residential Additions and Renovations in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, Ohio, Washington, D.C., Illinois, Colorado, New York (Westchester County, Duchess County, the Adirondacks, Long Island and New York City).
Sizes from 60 to 6,000 square feet. Budgets from $15K to $3M
- Housing Projects: 45 commissioned, 22 built, 10 in process/building, budgets from $70K to $4M including:
AHOME, Mt. Kisco, NY; Bedford Hills, NY; Croton Falls, NY; Katonah, NY; Vista, NY; Pound Ridge, NY;
Chappaqua, NY;
Open Arms Homeless Housing, White Plains, NY
SHORE Housing, White Plains, NY
Cephas Housing, Yonkers, NY
Peekskill Area Health Center Housing, Peekskill, NY
Goodspeed Opera House Actor’s Housing, East Haddam, CT
Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven, multiple projects, New Haven, CT
- Furniture: 30 commissioned, 20 built, budgets from $400 to $100K including:
Free-standing: chairs, tables, beds, light fixtures, garden pavilions
Built-in: Mantles, bookcases, decorative wall murals
- Consulting/Feasibility Studies: 70 commissioned/executed, including:
Christ Church, New Haven, CT
Guidance Center, New Rochelle, NY, CHOP Homeless Housing, Peekskill, NY,
Hole In The Wall Gang Camp, CT
Town of Fairfield Senior Housing Proposal
Sanctuaries for LifeChurch in Oklahoma, Arizona and Texas
Consultant to the Archdiocese of New York, Re: disposition of properties
Town of Guilford Design for Lake Quonnipaug Bath House, Guilford, CT.
Consultant to the Town of Hastings, NY feasibility studies for affordable housing
Samaritan House, White Plains, NY
Westchester Interfaith Housing, Tarrytown, NY
Eaton Row, New Haven, CT, Jonathan Rose Developers
Goodspeed Opera House, Facilities Planning
New York Covenant Church, New Rochelle, NY
NOT FOR PROFIT WORK – Representative Sampling
Built Projects
- Habitat for Humanity – 40 prototype houses and 12 renovations in New Haven, Hamden, Wallingford and
Fair Haven (1997-present)
- St. John’s Church renovation, New Haven CT
- Episcopal Diocese Headquarters, Meriden, CT 2014
- St Mary the Virgin Chappaqua, NY 2013
- St Hilda House New Haven, CT 2012
- Universalist Unitarian Church, Madison, CT 2014
- Interfaith Council for Action (IFCA), Ossining, NY 2014
- AHOME: Mt. Kisco (1988); Hawthorne (1990); Katonah (2004); Bedford Hills (2005); Chappaqua (2006);
Vista, Alamo Clinic, Goshen (1994); Pound Ridge (2009), all in NY
- Incarnation Camp, Ivoryton, CT (1986, 1988, 1990, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2014)
- Trinity Church on the Green, New Haven, CT: Undercroft, Side Entry (2009), Kitchen (1992), Bathroom, Upper Room (2000),
Choir Room (2005), Side Entry (2010), and Undercroft renovations (2012)
- Peekskill Area Health Center/Hudson Health Care: Smith Street (1987), Beacon (1990),
Poughkeepsie (1997), Beacon II (1999), Peekskill (2006), Westchester County, NY
- Madison Lutheran Church of Madison addition (2007)
- Camp Hazen, Ivoryton, CT renovations (1998, 2004)
- Bauer Farm Bathroom Addition
- Hastings Affordable Housing, Hastings, NY (2002)
- Children’s Village Residence, Valhalla, NY (2002)
- SHORE, White Plains, NY (2001)
- “ABC House” addition, Madison, CT (1998)
- Cluster Housing, Yonkers, NY (1996)
- Observation platform for Madison Land Conservation Trust (1996)
- Tuxis Walkway, Madison, CT (1992)
- CEPHAS Housing, Yonkers, NY (1990)
- St. Mary’s Church, Scarborough, NY (1981, 1989, 2013)
In Process
- Church of the Holy Advent, Clinton, CT
- ACE Housing, Croton Falls, NY 2014
- Sendak Archives, Ridgefield, CT
- St.James Episcopal Church, Woodstock, Vt.
- Southern Connecticut Hebrew Academy, Woodbridge, Ct.
- Open Arms Homeless Shelter, for Grace Church Community Center, White Plains, NY
- Strong Center at the Surf Club, Madison, CT
- Orchard Street Shul, New Haven, CT
- Goodspeed Opera House, East Haddam, CT
- CHOP Homeless Shelter, Peekskill, NY
- Guidance Center, New Rochelle, NY
- Ascension House / St. Hilda’s House, New Haven, CT
- Sunshine House, Madison, CT
- AHOME, Briarcliff Manor, Mt. Pleasant, Scarborough, Lewisboro, Pound Ridge, all in NY
- Madison Unitarian Universalist Society, Madison, CT
- Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, CT
- Rivendell Institute, New Haven, CT
- Erin Court Housing, Armonk, NY
- Bauer Farm, Madison, CT -1998
- Friends of Hammonasset Nature Center, Madison, CT
- Christ Lutheran Church, Southwick, MA
- Hole in the Wall Gang Camp, Storrs, CT
- YWCA rehabilitation, Yonkers, NY
- Two-family house for Guilford Interfaith Housing
- Park Row Houses House Development, Peekskill Preservation Co., Peekskill, NY
- REAPS Housing, Yonkers, NY
- Interfaith Housing, Mt. Kisco, NY
- Northern Westchester Women’s Shelter, Kisco, NY
- Immaculate Conception Church, Yonkers, NY
- Catholic Archdiocese, White Plains, NY
- Church of the Redeemer, Ossining, NY
- Genesis Housing, Mt. Vernon, NY
Ongoing Community Service
- Connecticut Episcopal Diocesan Property Committee
- Habitat for Humanity New Haven, Chair of Planning Subcommittee
- Madison Cultural Arts Co-founder, Board member
- Trinity Church on the Green, New Haven, CT, Vestry, Properties Committee Chair, Music Committee
- Katharine Hepburn Cultural Arts Center Board Vice-President
- Strong Center at the Surf Club, Board of Trustees, Madison, CT
- Incarnation Camp and Conference Center: Board Member, Building & Grounds Chair and Member Long Range Planning Committee, Ivoryton, CT
- New Haven Preservation Trust: Board Member, Preservation Committee, Program Committee, Communications
Past Community Service
-Board Member, Habitat for Humanity of Greater New Haven
- Executive Committee Member, Capital Campaign Cabinet, Columbarium Committee, Trinity Church on the Green, New Haven, CT
- Board Member, Infinite Topic Lecture Series
- Board member, “Sunshine House,” Madison, CT
- Chairman, Tuxis Square Design Competition Committee - Madison, CT
- Chairman Arts Barn Committee, Madison Cultural Arts, Madison, CT
- Consulting Architect, the Jay Coalition, Rye, NY
- Member, Long-Range Planning Committee, Madison, CT
- Board Member, Properties Committee, Mercy Center, Madison, CT (1998-2001).
- Organizer of successful “Save the Madison Theater” campaign for Madison Cultural Arts.
- Advisory Board, Guilford Handcrafts Center, Guilford, CT
- Advisory Council Neighborhood Music School 2001, 2006, and 2007 Benefits
- Director/Secretary, Chair Building Committee, Board Member, Shoreline Alliance for the Arts
- Chairman Hollycroft Cultural Council of Madison, sponsoring The Sculpture Mile
Professional Service
- Cofounder (w/ Jeremiah Eck and Dennis Wedlick) of the Congress of Residential Architecture.
- Member, Alliance for Architecture.
- Advisory Council, Reinvention 2004 Conference.
- Member, AIA
- Editorial Advisor Residential Architect magazine
- Adviser, Inspired House start-up
- State of Connecticut Designated Historic Architect